The DiskCover System

Patient Experience

Visible Elevation of Patient Safety

Disk covers are a visible form of protection applied at the point of care, enabling patients to witness firsthand the care and effort their clinician dedicates to ensuring their protection.

Inpatient Expectations for Hygiene Have Increased 1

Patients rated the importance of stethoscope hygiene prior to touching their skin as 100: CRITICALLY IMPORTANT 2

On A Scale of 0-100

(0 = not important at all, 100 = critically important)

Patients Can See They're Being Protected


1. Press Ganey. Emerging Best Practices in Response to Evolving Patient Perceptions of Clean. Compass One Healthcare. 2022.

2. Siegmund, L.A., Peacock IV, W.F., Bena, J., Morrison, S. “Patients and Healthcare Professionals’ Perceptions of Stethoscope Barriers” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 29, No. 3. 2024 Sep 17.